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Painters Palette
Art Club

The Art Group invites new mem­bers, artists and art lovers. The group meets reg­u­larly to visit local art exhi­bi­tions, cri­tique their own and each oth­er's works and holds the Annual Art Exhi­bi­tion VISIONS.


In the past, we par­tic­i­pated at sev­eral exhi­bi­tions, fes­ti­vals and art bazaars, as such as A’Ali art Fes­ti­val, Gar­den Show, VISIONS Art Exhi­bi­tion, Zal­laq Art Expo, Ani­mal Art exhi­bi­tion, Femin Art Fes­ti­val in Tuzla, Turkey, and other Art events. We have vis­ited sev­eral art exhi­bi­tions by local and expat artists. We've also gotten together for paint­ing ses­sions and had a few workshops.


AWA artists have col­lected more than BD2000 for AWA Com­mu­nity Ser­vice Funds.


If you would like to be an Art group mem­ber for this new sea­son and would like to share in var­i­ous monthly activ­i­ties, please con­tact us for more info or visit the Art Group Table and sign up at the next Gen­eral Meeting.

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