Art Club
The Art Group invites new memÂbers, artists and art lovers. The group meets regÂuÂlarly to visit local art exhiÂbiÂtions, criÂtique their own and each othÂer's works and holds the Annual Art ExhiÂbiÂtion VISIONS.
In the past, we parÂticÂiÂpated at sevÂeral exhiÂbiÂtions, fesÂtiÂvals and art bazaars, as such as A’Ali art FesÂtiÂval, GarÂden Show, VISIONS Art ExhiÂbiÂtion, ZalÂlaq Art Expo, AniÂmal Art exhiÂbiÂtion, Femin Art FesÂtiÂval in Tuzla, Turkey, and other Art events. We have visÂited sevÂeral art exhiÂbiÂtions by local and expat artists. We've also gotten together for paintÂing sesÂsions and had a few workshops.
AWA artists have colÂlected more than BD2000 for AWA ComÂmuÂnity SerÂvice Funds.
If you would like to be an Art group memÂber for this new seaÂson and would like to share in varÂiÂous monthly activÂiÂties, please conÂtact us for more info or visit the Art Group Table and sign up at the next GenÂeral Meeting.